TO SCHS ALUMNI: This informational blog is FOR YOU! Since many of you reside in towns throughout America, maybe...if you get this "link" from a classmate or a family member, then possibly you will feel better connected to your high school roots. GO EAGLES!

How To Create A Class MAILING LIST

Step 1:  The "spreadsheet techie" or someone else should set up a mailing list in "mailing labels format" using either MS Word or some other software. easily edited when changes need to be made

Step 2:  Add EACH classmate to the mailing list ALPHABETICALLY as follows:
John David Adams
123 Main Street
City, State, zip code

Mary Smith Adams, be sure to include maiden name
456 Main Avenue
City, State, zip code

Charles Lee Barten
____________________ space for address when discovered

Step 3:  Give each committee member a printed copy of the mailing label listing

Step 4:  continue locating classmates until the mailing list and spreadsheet are completed.